The 2015 RTC Corrective Maintenance Project incorporates roadway maintenance, waterline improvements, and new material trials in 5 different locations throughout the Reno/Sparks area.

Callahan Ranch Rd.
The work on Callahan Ranch Rd. included patching various failing areas of the roadway followed by a cape seal over the entire area.
Sparks Blvd.
On Sparks Blvd. from Springland to Express Way SNC is installing a barrier rail to protect traffic on the roadway curvature from veering off the road into the backyards of the neighboring houses.
Victorian Ave.
The improvements on Victorian include replacing a 30 year old waterline, concrete paving, and asphalt concrete paving. This work is schedule to complete before the Hot August Nights celebration.
Silverada Blvd.
Silverada Blvd. will get 3″ of asphalt milled off and then various distressed areas will be dug out and patched. After patching, 3 inches of new asphalt concrete will be place from 9th to Oddie Blvd.
Lupin Dr.
At two intersections on Lupin Dr. SNC is testing out a new material GST Elephant Armor. The areas are in the bus route and have seen years of high traffic impact causing distress in the existing asphalt. The material will be placed in the distressed area and monitored over the next few years.